- PUB 1001 Watermelon Fungicide Guide
- PUB 1002 Cucurbit Downy Mildew Management
- PUB 1003 Spotted Lanternfly Management in Nurseries, Orchards, Vineyards, and Natural Areas in South Carolina and Georgia
- PUB 1004 Depth Control for Sweatless Soil Sampler
- PUB 1005 Controlled Breeding and Calving Season
- PUB 1006 Extension Forestry Programming in South Carolina: Preferred Topics and Delivery Method
- PUB 1007 Estrous Synchronization in Heifers
- PUB 1008 Controlling Bacterial Spot on Tomato and Pepper
- PUB 1009 Managing Southern Blight on Vegetable Crops
- PUB 1010 Federal Income Tax Challenges for the Cannabis Industry
- PUB 1011 Steps to Successful Reproductive Management in Beef Cattle
- PUB 1012 Pregnancy Determination in Beef Cattle
- PUB 1013 Managing Deer Damage Using a Two-Tiered Fence System
- PUB 1014 Managing Phytophthora capsici Diseases on Vegetables
- PUB 1016 Solid Manure Spreader Calibration
- PUB 1017 Homemade Hydraulic Ram Pump for Livestock Water
- PUB 1018 Pasture/Hayfield Weed Control Timing Chart
- PUB 1019 Powdery Mildew on Watermelon
- PUB 1020 Hemlock Woolly Adelgid: Biology and Management
- PUB 1021 The Importance of Headwater Streams
- PUB 1022 Integrated Management for Fusarium Wilt of Watermelon
- PUB 1023 Basis of Selecting a Lime Material
- PUB 1024 Livestock Sales, Extreme Weather Events, and Tax Consequences
- PUB 1025 Fall Armyworm as a Pest of Corn
- PUB 1026 Potential Herbicide Applications for Hardwood Stands
- PUB 1027 Sugarcane Aphid as a Pest of Sorghum
- PUB 1028 Green Peanut Production
- PUB 1029 Identifying and Managing Wirestem on Vegetable Brassica (Cole) Crops
- PUB 1030 South Carolina’s Coastal Habitats and Regional Comparison
- PUB 1031 Cereal Leaf Beetle as a Pest of Small Grains
- PUB 1032 Valuing Ecosystem Services of Coastal Marshes and Wetlands
- PUB 1033 Body Condition Scoring in Beef Cattle, Is It Important?
- PUB 1034 Educators’ Guide to Managing Red Imported Fire Ants (Solenopsis invicta) in School or Community Vegetable Gardens
- PUB 1035 Tobacco Hornworm as a Pest of Tobacco
- PUB 1036 Calibrating Sprayers: 128th of an Acre Method
- PUB 1037 Carbon Offsets for South Carolina Family Forest Landowners
- PUB 1038 Precision Agriculture: Grain Combine Yield Monitor Calibration
- PUB 1039 Adequate Site Preparation Can Enhance Productivity of New Forest Stands
- PUB 1040 Flatheaded Hackberry Borer (Agrilus macer): A Secondary Pest on Sugarberry Trees in the Southern United States
- PUB 1041 Economic Impact Payments, How Are They Going to Work? (or how much will I receive?)
- PUB 1042 Is Your Business Having Cash Flow Problems Due to COVID-19?
- PUB 1043 2019 Income Tax Filing Extension and Payment Deferment
- PUB 1044 Managing Crapemyrtle Bark Scale Infestations in Urban Landscapes and Nurseries
- PUB 1045 COVID-19 Impacts on Cattle Markets
- PUB 1046 South Carolina Green Industry: COVID-19 Best Safety Practices
- PUB 1047 Fundamentals of Forest Resource Management Planning
- PUB 1048 A Brief Summary of the 2017 South Carolina Logging Business Survey
- PUB 1049 Scope of Practice for Extension Agents Delivering Health Programs
- PUB 1050 Carbon Markets: An Alternative Income Opportunity for South Carolina Forestland Owners
- PUB 1051 Integrated Pest Management: Concepts and Strategies
- PUB 1052 Rotavirus, Coronavirus, E. coli K99, and Cryptosporidium in South Carolina Calves, 2012-2016
- PUB 1053 Update to Small Business Administration (SBA) COVID-19 Related Loans
- PUB 1054 Water Systems Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- PUB 1055 An Introduction to Timber Sale Contracts
- PUB 1056 Timber Harvesting Equipment in South Carolina
- PUB 1057 Precision Agriculture: Cotton Picker Yield Monitor Calibration
- PUB 1058 Direct Marketing of Beef, Pork, or Lamb: Is This an Opportunity for You?
- PUB 1059 Backpack Sprayer Calibration for Forestry Uses
- PUB 1060 Insecticide Resistance: Overview and Management
- PUB 1061 Increasing Soil Biodiversity in Botanical Gardens
- PUB 1062 Considerations for Getting your Farm Business Online
- PUB 1063 The Long-Awaited Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) for Farmers
- PUB 1064 El tan esperado Programa de Asistencia Alimentaria frente al Coronavirus (CFAP) para Agricultores
- PUB 1065 Farm Rental Agreement Checklist
- PUB 1066 Changes to the Paycheck Protection Program
- PUB 1067 Opportunities for Specialty Crop Producers During COVID-19 Restaurant Recovery
- PUB 1068 The Post COVID-19 Restaurant Recovery May Take a While
- PUB 1069 Calculation for Specialty Crop Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) Payment
- PUB 1070 Impacts of COVID-19 Restaurant Closures on South Carolina’s Shellfish Industry
- PUB 1071 The South Carolina Shellfish Industry Faces a Challenging Recovery After COVID-19
- PUB 1072 Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) for Non-Specialty Crop Producers
- PUB 1073 Management of Aflatoxins in Peanut
- PUB 1074 Varieties and Weed-Free Duration is Important for Hemp Bud Yield in Coastal South Carolina
- PUB 1075 How the 2020 Definition of WOTUS Affects Agricultural and Specialty Crop Producers
- PUB 1076 Sugarcane Beetle as a Pest of Corn
- PUB 1077 Federal Grant Applications: What You Need to Know Before You Start Writing
- PUB 1078 Sealed Timber Bids: What You Need to Know to Sell Your Timber
- PUB 1079 Factors Influencing Productivity and Cost in the Whole-Tree Harvesting System
- PUB 1080 Cover Crop Education for Farmers in South Carolina
- PUB 1081 Mud Management for South Carolina Livestock Farmers
- PUB 1082 Brown Stink Bug as a Pest of Corn in the Southeastern United States
- PUB 1083 Precision Agriculture-Based Soil Sampling Strategies
- PUB 1084 Collecting Samples for Agricultural Irrigation Water Quality Testing
- PUB 1085 Watershed-Based Planning to Protect and Improve Surface Water Quality
- PUB 1086 Equine Pasture Management
- PUB 1087 Management Practices Affecting the Nutrient Provision Capacity of Cover Crops
- PUB 1088 Cover Crops for Weed and Nutrient Management
- PUB 1089 Integrating Cover Crops for Agroecosystem Services
- PUB 1090 Chemical Release Treatments for Pine Regeneration
- PUB 1091 Identification, Management Challenges, and Strategies When Using Coastal Organic Rich Subsoil for Landscape Topsoil
- PUB 1092 Best Practices for Managing Weeds in South Carolina Fall Broccoli Production
- PUB 1093 A Key for Aging White-Tailed Deer Using the Tooth Replacement and Wear Technique
- PUB 1094 Water Withdrawal Regulations Every Agricultural User in South Carolina Should Know
- PUB 1095 Changing From Within: How Professional Development Can Transform Your Leadership Style
- PUB 1096 Best Management Practices for Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Cotton
- PUB 1097 Seedling Selection Guidelines for Forest Landowners
- PUB 1098 Northern Giant Hornet (Vespa mandarinia) and Yellow-Legged Hornet (Vespa velutina), Potential Pests of Honey Bees
- PUB 1099 Effects of Deer Herbivory on Hardwood Forests in the Piedmont of South Carolina
- PUB 1100 Soybean Tissue Sampling
- PUB 1101 Herbicide Options for Benghal Dayflower Control in Field Crops
- PUB 1102 Headworms as Pests of Grain Sorghum
- PUB 1103 Reaching At-Risk Communities Through Extension-Clinical Partnerships
- PUB 1104 A Guide to Buying Local Beef
- PUB 1105 Granville Wilt of Flue-Cured Tobacco
- PUB 1106 Protecting Working Forests with Conservation Easements
- PUB 1107 Conservation Easement Tax Implication Basics
- PUB 1108 Benefits of Urban Forests and Determining Their Value
- PUB 1109 10 Tips for Farm Social Media
- PUB 1110 Nitrogen and Irrigation Management for Sorghum in South Carolina
- PUB 1111 Biological Control Strategies in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Programs
- PUB 1112 Biology and Management of Bermudagrass Mite
- PUB 1113 Introduction to Aquaponics
- PUB 1114 Ponds in South Carolina
- PUB 1115 Principles of Feeding a Healthy Horse
- PUB 1116 Reconditioning and Disposition of Aflatoxin-Contaminated Peanut: A Guide for US Peanut Producers
- PUB 1117 Corn Earworm as a Pest of Field Corn
- PUB 1118 Implementation of a Cooperative Extension Food Distribution Action Plan During Times of Crisis
- PUB 1119 An Introduction to Stormwater Ponds in South Carolina
- PUB 1120 Volunteer Peanut Control in Corn and Cotton
- PUB 1121 The Basics of Irrigation Reservoirs for Agriculture
- PUB 1122 Identification of Common Insect Pests of Brassica Crops
- PUB 1123 Aquaponics: System Layout and Components
- PUB 1124 Economic Implications of Wildlife Considerations in Timber Management
- PUB 1125 Recreational Ponds in South Carolina
- PUB 1126 Pond Weeds: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment Options
- PUB 1127 Scouting for Insect Pests in Brassica Crops
- PUB 1128 Elderberry Syrup: Food Safety and Regulation Requirements for Making and Selling
- PUB 1129 Youth Livestock Beef Projects for Showing
- PUB 1130 Common Natural Enemies of Brassica Insect Pests
- PUB 1131 Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Fungus Gnats in Ornamental Plant Propagation
- PUB 1132 Managing Insect Pests in Field Corn using Transgenic Bt Technology
- PUB 1133 Conservation Easement Amendments: A Landowner Guide
- PUB 1134 Japanese Beetle as a Pest of Field Corn
- PUB 1135 Logging Operations and Soil Compaction
- PUB 1136 Equine Hoof Care
- PUB 1137 Using Inquiry-Based Instruction to Teach STEM Concepts in Changing Learning Environments
- PUB 1138 Experiential Student Learning through Culinary Nutrition Techniques on Heirloom Vegetables
- PUB 1139 Real-time Polling to Increase Student Learning in Medium- to Large-Sized Courses
- PUB 1140 The Art of Asking Good Questions
- PUB 1141 How to Stay Safe Around Chainsaws
- PUB 1142 Gummy Stem Blight on Watermelon and Muskmelon
- PUB 1143 Water Withdrawal Regulation in South Carolina
- PUB 1144 Visual Guide to Soybean Growth Stages
- PUB 1145 Common and Southern Rust in Field Corn
- PUB 1146 Introduction to Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in South Carolina Freshwater Systems
- PUB 1147 Native Plant Selection for Out-of-Play Areas of South Carolina Golf Courses
- PUB 1148 An Introduction to Wetlands of South Carolina
- PUB 1149 Insect Pests of Alfalfa in the Southeastern United States
- PUB 1150 The Influence of Packaging on the Perception of Quick-Service Sandwiches
- PUB 1151 Interpreting Routine Soil Tests
- PUB 1152 Alfalfa Establishment and Management
- PUB 1153 Pond Maintenance: Dredging
- PUB 1154 Phytophagous Mites and Their Management on Ornamental Plants
- PUB 1155 Hanging Tags and Consumer Behavior
- PUB 1156 Livestock Ponds in South Carolina
- PUB 1157 Water Withdrawal Amounts in South Carolina
- PUB 1158 Asian Longhorned Beetle Biology and Management in South Carolina
- PUB 1159 Implementing Social Media for Your Cooperative Extension Program
- PUB 1160 Streamflow: What is it, and How Do We Measure It?
- PUB 1161 Identification and Management Strategies for Cutworms as Pests in Field Corn
- PUB 1162 Measuring Forage Mass on Pastures to Adjust Stocking Rate
- PUB 1163 Introduction to Watershed Water Quality Models
- PUB 1164 Historical Floods of South Carolina
- PUB 1165 Identifying and Managing Foliar Fungal Diseases of Soybean
- PUB 1166 Limitations and Adoption Strategies for Biological Management of Turfgrass Pathogens
- PUB 1167 Stink Bugs as Pests of Cotton
- PUB 1168 Herbicide Interactions with Insecticides
- PUB 1169 Building Career-Interest Pipelines for Youth in the Food, Agricultural, Natural Resource, and Health Sciences Professions
- PUB 1170 Visual Guide to Corn Growth Stages
- PUB 1171 Short-Term Operations Support Farm Continuity in Times of Distress
- PUB 1172 Improving Group Dynamics with Facilitator-Led Group Conversations
- PUB 1173 Creative Inquiry: Using a Positive Feedback Loop to Develop Career Skills and Graduate Student Mentors
- PUB 1174 Can Repetition and Spacing Increase Learning and Recall Through Engagement?
- PUB 1175 “Do We Have to Work in Groups?”: Foundations, Ground Rules, and Reflections Improve Group Work
- PUB 1176 Classroom Group Projects Using Industry-Based Communication Tools
- PUB 1177 Developing a New Undergraduate Agricultural Safety Course
- PUB 1178 Managing Pine Trees with a Thinning
- PUB 1179 Soil Salinity and its Effects on Turfgrass Pests
- PUB 1180 Funding Stormwater Management: An Introduction to Stormwater Utility Fees in South Carolina
- PUB 1181 Plants for Livestock Pond Buffers
- PUB 1182 Facilitating Healthcare for Veterans Residing in Rural South Carolina and Florida: What is Community Care?
- PUB 1183 Breeding Peanut for Reduced Allergen Content
- PUB 1184 Alleviating Food Insecurity Using Nutrition Education Programs
- PUB 1185 An Introduction to Floating Wetlands for Stormwater Ponds
- PUB 1186 MyPlate: A Guide to Healthier Eating
- PUB 1187 Considerations When Selecting a Delivery Method for Educational Course Design
- PUB 1188 South Carolina’s Shrinking Dairy Herd: An Overview of Current Challenges and Issues for Dairy Operators
- PUB 1189 Using Education to Reduce Instances of Foodborne Illness
- PUB 1190 Micro-Irrigation System Maintenance to Prevent Clogging
- PUB 1191 An Introduction to Low Impact Development Strategies for Stormwater Management
- PUB 1192 Horn Fly Control: Dealing with Insecticide Resistance
- PUB 1193 How to Conduct a Timber Cruise
- PUB 1194 Selecting Fertilizer Mixtures for Fertigation
- PUB 1195 Insights into Cotton Regrowth and Management
- PUB 1196 Ambrosia Beetle Biology, Impact, and Management
- PUB 1197 Management Strategies for Hessian Fly in Wheat
- PUB 1200 What to Include in a Livestock First Aid Kit
- PUB 1201 The Exit Ticket: a snapshot of student learning and potential participation points for students
- PUB 1202 Beyond Memorization: The Power of Authentic Assessments in STEM Learning
- PUB 1203 Using Your Portable Sawmill to Cut Stickers for Lumber Drying
- PUB 1205 Integrating Cover Crops in South Carolina Agroecosystems
- PUB OTLS 1198 Customizing Course Content to Meet Student Needs
- PUB SC4H 4-H Healthy Movers Curriculum
Recent Publications
- Beyond Memorization: The Power of Authentic Assessments in STEM Learning
- Integrating Cover Crops in South Carolina Agroecosystems
- The Exit Ticket: a snapshot of student learning and potential participation points for students
- Using Your Portable Sawmill to Cut Stickers for Lumber Drying
- Customizing Course Content to Meet Student Needs