Teaching Section Series

The Land-Grant Press Teaching Section (LGP-TS) series focuses on sharing of observations and reflections of scholarly work for practical application. The series will help CAFLS teaching faculty adopt learning activities, ideas, innovations and strategies to improve teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes (not the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research).

How to submit

  • Review the LGP-TS Authorship Decision Tree to confirm if your submittal is appropriate for the LGP-TS series.
  • Review the Author Submittal Guide.
  • Use the assigned Publication Template (an example template with tips is provided along with a guide to using preformatted font styles).
  • Access the publishing resources for authors in the online toolkit (publication template, CMOS and CSE writing style guide cheat sheets, etc.)
  • Contact the LGP-TS consulting editors (caflsotls@clemson.edu) if you have any questions.

Author submittal guide

The Author Submittal Guide provides information on how to prepare and submit your publication. Below are some of the topics the guide covers. A publishing ‘toolkit’ folder (insert link when finalized) with various author resources is available.

  • Co-Author Submittal Agreement: If there are multiple authors listed on a publication, all authors must sign the Co-Author Submittal Agreement. The signed form must be uploaded with the submittal.
  • Land-Grant Press Publication Template: Download the Land-Grant Press template file and follow the instructions provided.
  • You must have permission to use images that are not yours and also provide attribution. Review the Image Permissions and Attribution Guide.
  • References Cited: A publication must include a minimum of three peer-reviewed references, and references are to be included in a References Cited list.
  • Style Manual for Writing: Follow the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) for the writing. A CMOS Quick Guide with the most common instances is available.
  • Style Manual for References: Follow the Council of Science Editors (CSE) style for formatting the References Cited list. A CSE Quick Guide with the most common reference sources is available.

The instructions in the Author Submittal Guide will guide you in submitting your publication through the LGP-TS website in TigerPrints, the Clemson Libraries digital repository and publishing platform.

You will need to create an account in TigerPrints if it is the first time you are accessing it. Clemson Employees, please note, the TigerPrints system is not connected to the Clemson login network. However, if you need to create a new login, you can use the same username and password you use for the University network.