Cucurbit Downy Mildew Management for 2025
The information provided below is current at this time. If any updates are made to the information below, the corresponding year in which the updates are made will be included in the publication...
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Feb 12, 2025 | Agriculture, Horticulture, Watermelon
The information provided below is current at this time. If any updates are made to the information below, the corresponding year in which the updates are made will be included in the publication...
Feb 12, 2025 | Agriculture, Horticulture, Watermelon
The information provided below is current at this time. If any updates are made to the information below, the corresponding year in which the updates are made will be included in the publication...
Apr 21, 2022 | Agriculture, Horticulture, Watermelon
Gummy stem blight is one of the most common foliar diseases on watermelon, muskmelon, honeydew, and other specialty melons in the southeastern United States. How severe the disease becomes depends...
Mar 28, 2022 | Agriculture, Horticulture, Watermelon
Powdery mildew (caused by the fungus named Podosphaera xanthii) was consistently among the most prevalent diseases of watermelon in a survey of foliar diseases done in 2015 and 2016, second only to...
Sep 22, 2019 | Horticulture, Watermelon
Fusarium wilt of watermelon is the most widespread and destructive disease of watermelon in the southeastern United States and other areas of the world. The causal fungus is named Fusarium oxysporum...
Aug 19, 2019 | Horticulture, Watermelon
Phytophthora blight, crown and root rot, and fruit rot are serious problems on cucurbit and fruiting (solanaceous) vegetables in the eastern half of the United States. Short vegetable crop...
Aug 2, 2019 | Horticulture, Watermelon
Southern blight is a disease of over 1,200 crops and weeds in the southern half of the United States. Among the vegetable crops affected are tomato, pepper, eggplant, snap bean, Jerusalem artichoke,...