Scouting for Insect Pests in Brassica Crops
Scouting is the foundation of integrated pest management programs. This article describes how to scout brassica crops effectively and outlines two commonly used methods for making responsible...
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Dec 10, 2021 | Agriculture, Horticulture, IPM
Scouting is the foundation of integrated pest management programs. This article describes how to scout brassica crops effectively and outlines two commonly used methods for making responsible...
Oct 18, 2021 | Agriculture, Horticulture
Brassica crops are susceptible to feeding damage from many chewing and sucking insect pests. This article describes identification features and biological information needed to help growers...
Oct 13, 2021 | Horticulture, Natural Resources, Ponds, Water
Agricultural and specialty crop producers, crop advisors, and extension agents can use this introductory guide on irrigation reservoirs as an overview of irrigation reservoir design basics, water...
Jun 1, 2021 | Agriculture, Horticulture
This publication describes bermudagrass mite biology, identification, and available control options in turfgrass. Golf course superintendents, sports field managers, sod farmers, other turfgrass and...
May 16, 2021 | Agriculture, Horticulture, IPM
Consumers are becoming more concerned about pesticide usage on ornamental plants and turfgrass in and around their homes and on the fruits and vegetables they eat. Not only are the negative health...
Nov 19, 2020 | Horticulture
Exotic hornets present a significant threat to apiculture. Recent introductions of the northern giant hornet (NGH) to North America and the yellow-legged hornet (YLH) to Europe, both known to attack...
Sep 18, 2020 | Agriculture, Horticulture
Growing Broccoli in the Southeast Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L., Group Italica) has emerged as a prominent vegetable in the last fifty years with per capita consumption increasing dramatically from...
Sep 13, 2020 | Agriculture, Horticulture, Soybean
Certain soils, called Spodosols, are found in coastal areas of South Carolina, have a subsoil identified as rich in organic matter, and are appealing for use as landscaping root zone soil. In fact,...
Aug 30, 2020 | Agriculture, Agronomic Crops, Horticulture, Soybean
Cover cropping is an effective practice for soil health management. One of the many benefits of cover cropping is that it can be a significant source of nutrients to the subsequent cash crops. This...
Jul 23, 2020 | Agriculture, Agronomic Crops, Horticulture
This article aims to inform the Cooperative Extension System and outreach agencies of the educational preferences of farmers regarding cover crops. Understanding the educational preferences of...
Jun 30, 2020 | Agriculture, Horticulture
Interest in hemp cultivation for various markets has increased since the 2014 and 2018 US Farm Bills legalized its production. In 2019, there were 114 licensed hemp growers in SC.1 The number of...
Jun 28, 2020 | Agriculture, Agronomic Crops, Horticulture, Ponds, Water
The 2015 Clean Water Rule, now the Navigable Waters Protection Rule, was amended in part because the definition of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) within it was considered too broad. The...
May 27, 2020 | Horticulture
Soil biodiversity is key to a botanical garden’s success. The benefits of soil biodiversity include mitigating harmful pathogens and soil compaction, as well as increasing available nutrients and...
May 19, 2020 | Agronomic Crops, Cotton, Horticulture
The development of insecticide resistance in insects is common and widespread today. The long-term efficacy of insecticides is critical for successful and sustainable food and fiber production and...
May 1, 2020 | Agriculture, Agronomic Crops, Horticulture, IPM
This publication provides an overview of the basic concepts of integrated pest management (IPM) to aid in management decision-making. As an introduction to IPM, the intended audience of this article...